I'm MD Murad Hossain

I'm into Software Engineer(i|

About Me

About Me

I'm MD Murad Hossain

Software Engineer(iOS)

I am an iOS Developer. I also did competitive programming for 2+ years. Currently, I am working at AppExist as an iOS developer.I have 1.5 years of professional experience as an iOS Developer, having contributed to the development of three iOS apps. I am also trying to be more focused on clean and maintainable coding in previous and current projects. I have knowledge of publishing apps on the app store.

I try my best to train and encourage my institute's juniors about competitive programming. And I also build a programming club to build a strong programming community at my institute. The name of the programming club is BBPI Programmers Club (BPC) . Here I organize a programming contest as a vice-principal. In our club, we have regular contests. And I hope that in the future our juniors will be inspired by this programming and hold the club we built. I also help juniors learn to program online. In a word, as far as I want to go. My main desire is to be by the side of juniors as a guide.

I participated in various onsite and online programming competitions and I participated in the Math Olympiad. I have solved 400+ problems on various online judge websites.

email :

place : Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh

Skills & Tools

My Education

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.

B.Sc in Computer Science & Engineering

Southeast University | SEU

2024 - Running... | Weekend

Diploma in Computer Science & Technology

Brahmanbaria Polytechnic Institute | BBPI

2018 - 2022 | Completed

CGPA: 3.71 out of 4.00

Secondary School Certificate | Science

Sindurna High School | SHC

2016 - 2018 | Completed

CGP: 4.39 out of 5.0

Projects Made

GenAI - AI Chatbot


    MVC, Swift, UIKit, PDFKit, REST API, Core-Animation, Alamofire, Core-Data, OpenAI, VisionKit, Markdown, Highliter, etc.

Project work portion:

  • I integrated the full storyboard UI design of the Gen-AI app.
  • I have implemented features like details, YouTube video summary, web link summary, PDF summary, AI keyboard, feature extraction from images etc.
  • I handled all tasks related to ChatVC.
  • I've integrated functionality to answer Markdown format text and code highlighter questions.

Math Solver: AI Homework Helper


    MVC, Swift, UIKit, PDFKit, REST API, Core-Animation, Alamofire, Core-Data, iOSMath, OpenAI, VisionKit, etc.

Project work portion:

  • I integrated the full storyboard UI design of the Homework AI app.
  • I implemented features to provide YouTube videos, web links, and PDF summaries.
  • I handled all tasks related to ChatVC and HistoryVC.
  • I integrated functionality to respond in LaTeX format for mathematical queries.
  • Also the app is well targeted to answer Physics, Chemistry, Biology questions.

Photo & Video Filter: Socially


    MVC, Swift, UIKit, Image Processing, Video Processing, CoreGraphics, MetalKit, AVKit, UIKit, PDFKit, Core-Data, OpenAI, VisionKit, etc.

Project work portion:

  • I handled the complete design aspect of the Filter app.
  • Developed features for working with multiple canvases for images.
  • Implemented functionality for over 300 Insta filters on both images and videos.
  • Implemented functionality for saving images and videos, sharing to Instagram, and other sharing options.
  • I have implemented to generate any social platform post according to different types of captions from images.

Cleaner AI: Pic Wipe & Enhance


    MVC, Swift, UIKit, EventKit, AVKit, AVFoundation, Photos, Audio&Video Marge, etc.

Project work portion:

  • Work with EventKit - Get all calendar event and Delete.
  • Implemented video and audio compression features..
  • Implemented the daily cleanup feature, allowing users to delete their most recent 30 images.
  • Contributed to some UI design elements within the storyboard.

AI Social Media Post Maker


    MVC, Swift, UIKit, REST API, Core-Data, OpenAI, UserDefault, etc.

Project work portion:

  • I integrated the full storyboard UI design of the Thread app.
  • I implemented features to provide Image to about details, YouTube videos, web links, and PDF summaries.
  • I have implemented to generate any social platform post according to different types of captions from images.
  • Implemented functionality for saving images and videos, sharing to Instagram, and other sharing options.

Looksmax AI - Get your rating


    MVC, Swift, UIKit, REST API, Core-Animation, Core-Data, OpenAI, etc.

Project work portion:

  • I integrated the full storyboard UI design of the Looksmax AI app.
  • I have implemented to detect face from image and detect multiple face.
  • I implemented to extract the results and ratings of FaceQuality, Skinclearity, Checkbone, Hairstyle, Jawline, Eyeshape, Lipfulness based on the face from the image.
  • I have extracted and implemented all the tips for Face.
  • I have implemented save and share functionality.


App Exist

iOS Developer

As an iOS developer, I use a variety of skills to build, test, and maintain iOS apps, including programming, user experience (UX), and user interface (UI) skills.

Dec 01, 2022 - Present

App Exist

iOS Developer | Internship

Sep 2022 - Nov 2022

Online Multiple Platform

Problem Solving | Competitive programming

I participated in various onsite and online programming competitions and I participated in the Math Olympiad. I have solved 400+ problems on various online judge websites.

Feb 2020 - Sep 2022

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